Ethos To Go
Honesty W/C 11/07/22
"do that which is honest"
2 Corinthians 13:7
* This week we are looking at the value of honesty. Why is it important to be honest?
* Watch the video on the blog St Maxentius Ethos children have produced a fantastic video this for this week.
* There are lots of examples in the Bible where God shows us that being honest is the right thing to do. Can you discuss any?
* How do you feel when you have lost something? Do you feel happy or do you want it back?
* If you find something, what do you think is the right thing to do.
* So, what is honesty?
* What do we learn from the story of Zacchaeus
* Do you think you have a right to keep something when you find it?
* If a friend did not keep a promise, or told a lie, how would that make you feel?
* Do you think you would feel proud of yourself if you cheated?
* How would you feel, to think your friends and family didn’t trust you?
Please leave your comments on the blog!