Prayer Space Activities
Labyrinth Prayer
To investigate prayer by using a prayer labyrinth.
A number of laminated stones, heart shapes to write on, chocolate hearts and laminated labyrinth prompts.
Using a labyrinth to focus your prayers can be very powerful. First blue tac the laminated stones and prompts to the floor of a large space. Then move through the labyrinth at your own time reading the prompts and taking time to talk to God. Before you enter, spend some time reading Corinthians 13, v 4-7. Focus on the word ‘LOVE IS’ patient, kind, not envious, not boastful, not rude, not selfish, not irritable, not resentful, rejoices in truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and never ends. Think about these questions; who has loved you in your life so far, who have you loved in your life so far, where is there a need for love in our world? As you walk to the centre, you might like to give thanks for those who have shown you love. Ask for grace to give love to others without reserve. Hold up to God those troubled places in the world that need to feel love. At the centre read 1 John 4:7-12. Rest for a few moments, pick up a paper heart and a chocolate heart. Consider a way to be more loving, hold onto the awe and wonder of God’s living love in you. As you leave, think of God’s never ending love for you. After your walk in the labyrinth, you may like to write on your heart card to remember this time. Enjoy your chocolate heart!